Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Alcohol & Venue

Not that I am too worried about this but I do want to give a heads up. The venue is a place of business so their alcohol rules are a little strict, but no different then a bar. Must be 21, must show ID, if you appear drunk or cause problems they will not serve you, may ask you to leave, and could SHUT DOWN our event. If there is alcohol brought onto property that is not approved or served by them they have the right to SHUT DOWN our event.

On that note please be respectful to Jason and I. If you must be obnoxious do it at home w/ out us or our lovely guests. Thank you....

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Jason & Nick's Wedding

Here is the update for everyone waiting so impatiently. We will be marring on August 4th 2012 @ Scappoose Creek Inn. Yeah yeah you car guys can crack jokes later. There are several rooms available on the property. I will be holding rooms for wedding party and family first. So if you would like to have me hold a room for you please choose what room and let me know. The price range is between $115-69 per night and that will include breakfast with us the next morning to see us off to our honeymoon.